Conversation Between Frought and oXParadoxXo

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Here, I made a video, special for you, you prick. Don't you ever doubt me again. I don't lie. I deliver.
  2. Add me sykpe ... as-ahmed-as
  3. I love your releases and I have a few minor suggestions, but I need to talk privately about them, as I don't want anyone else to get the idea.
    How would I go about contacting you privately? Skype, MPGH messages, or what?
  4. Your signature is probably the stupidest thing I've ever read. Like, my IQ dropped 2~3 points just from reading it once. It makes no sense.
  5. Add me on Skype! What's your Skype?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5