Conversation Between Frought and Horror

9 Visitor Messages

  1. No, I showed you also that I gave him the anti kick function.
  2. You showed me proof that you guys exchanged codes in the past. That is all. Not that he's using it right now.
  3. I gave you screen shots. If you can do you can ask him to show you all history between ******navoritecoder and you will see that he thanked me for anti kick also as I gave you he is using my anti kick, wdf?
  4. First of all, there is nothing I can do. I need real, hard proof, Screen by Screen comparison that he used your code to be able to do anything.
    And I certainly can't ban.
  5. I gave you proofs, you can do 2 options as a "Moderator":
    1-Add me to credits again and if he edited the thread again he gets a ban.
    2-Ban him right now.

    I know a warning would do the trick but using some one's things and not giving credits is not of MPGH "Rules".
  6. A ban needs more proof to be honest.
  7. He removed credits,
    Shouldn't he get ban?
  8. Add me on skype because I'll give you private things..
  9. Since it's your word against his, it's a question of hard proof. Like actual lines of code, your release on UC, and actual stuff like that.
    Could you provide proof like that ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9