Conversation Between Luis and Hentai

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Well I was looking for gifs and also heaven related gifs. If this is a problem I can change it back to my old one.
    I think this is more related (universe) to heaven.
  2. Loved your signature.
  3. Well not exactly, as you might not noticed but the only ones which I asked for vouch are the school/educational/Bitcoin profit.
    Also think it as a free bump for them xD
  4. Legit every thread in user services I go to you've asked for a vouch copy.
  5. Well I haven't asked for a vouch copy, just asked for educational ones.
  6. Jesus, cool it with the vouch copy request posts.
  7. How do you make a spoiler tag and put a picture or comment in it? I couldn't do it myself, as my sensei i will appreciate if you can help a bit...
  8. Luis, are you allowed to put tags? If yes can you put this to my account
  9. It was completely infested with ads and popups.
  10. What happened to the thread with full mule controller,something like that? I thought you were gonna check it :P
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12