Conversation Between Luverdark and 71c

24 Visitor Messages

  1. fuck off platinum ur gay
  2. my man luverdark u still here damn
  3. fuck off platinum ur gay
  4. i miss u all
  5. do u miss shitpostsquad my friend got bannd
  6. i miss u

    and platinum
  7. smd ******
  8. hbday luverdark fkoff urgay
  9. What a fucking loser lmaooo
  10. why did platigay get banned???
  11. im ur papi lil girl
  13. who the fuck are you
  14. fuck of luver u r gey
  15. fuck off luverdark you are a homosexual and that is socially non acceptable
  16. fuck off luvergay you are dark
  17. fuck off weeaboo you are gay
  18. hey baby got some proxies 4 me :=)
  19. fuck you platinum ur mum gay
  20. fuck of luver u r gey
  21. Platinub is gay. You are coksuk sooooooooooooo, maybe you're the gay one
  22. me and galaxyxd made it
  23. Fuck you luverdark ur geyy xddd

    Thx for making the meme official
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24