Conversation Between Sean and Matthew

25 Visitor Messages

  1. Resigned .
  2. why former staff o.o
  3. Clearly your tastes aren't good lol
  4. not my taste haha
  5. She's cute isn't she
  6. Interesting pfp
  7. Yeah idk not really interested in rotmg anymore.
  8. Thanks <3 you should've applied too
  9. congrats matthew
  10. yeah dude, good old times haha. glad to see you back, feel free to send me a message on IM or dis.cord @Asian#1111
  11. Miss me much????? lol
  12. yo welcome back
  13. pretty much, been busy with school + work
    Stop playing Realm ages ago saw no point in sticking around here either
  14. lmao are u ded
  15. #Gayforce is technically staff disrespect ban them Sean
  16. lol nice staff tag
  17. Bro I'm on your head small body
  18. bro don't ask for free items from poor people, kiwi5 is dirt poor sadly
  19. Grats white hair boi
  20. homo*
  21. For the record he invited me to his house with the message, "Come over baby Matty so I can feed you to my bed." I'll leave that up to you all to interpret but I think he is home for me. I mean it's 2018 so there isn't anything wrong with that. <3
  22. I ain’t homo man
  23. As of today, Sean is homo for me. Please don't bully us. <3
  24. Get a Skype group?
  25. kiwi5 goes to my school so we discuss some stuff together.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25