Conversation Between HalfBajan and Zombie

9 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah mang of course!
    I'm just assuming they'll take a while to accept me since it's just BMW and they'd probably have applications coming through
    left right and centre -_-
  2. Damn bro, if you make some dope ass clothing, I'll definitely wear that shit. And I'm not sure how everything works in Aus, but here in the US, if you show initiative (aka, bug the shit out of them, keep fuckin calling ) then you should have a good chance. Goodluck bro, I love cars, and working with BMW would be dope af!
  3. Ah man fuck you so hard

    For real tho, that's sick dude! I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to be earning that much at this age. I'm trying to start a clothing brand up & trying to get a job at BMW but Australia is shit with letting people get jobs
  4. I started out as an Optical Lab Technician, using the laser and edger cutting machines to cut out lenses for customers, I'd then clean them and ship them out. I put down that I was an avid computer user, more into hardware than software, and I was eager to learn more. Less than a month after being hired, I got promoted to a Database Administrator, and my boss pretty much put me in charge of keeping the money rolling in. I dropped out of college and I'm making just under 100k/year as a 19 year old living 10 minutes from the beach in Florida. I'd say my life is pretty set haha
  5. Shieeeeeeeee
    I'm 19 too and I feel unaccomplished af

    Did you study anything to get into that field? or you just one of those crazy niggas who does internet shit naturally good
  6. Damn bruv, I'm 19 I can't take care of no child wtf, you got me ALLLL the way fucked up.

    Haha I'm kidding man. I'm a DBA for Fuse Lenses., we also have an RX site for prescriptions, and then we sell on Amazon, Ebay, Newegg, Sears, Rakuten, Commission Junction and Google Merchant.
  7. Bruv adopt me
    Hire all of the talent I don't have

  8. I gotchu fam <3 Check the date too
  9. Taking a peek at your Amazon earnings fam
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