Conversation Between crex and Wyo

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. I've been gucci boi, chillin, going to school, working and making pocket money y'know the usual. It has been a while. How have you been?
  2. Oh boy it's lit I swear. What's sup fool How you been damn feels like I haven't talked you in in like 4-5 years XD
  3. I remember you boy LOL
  5. welcome back feg.
  6. yeah LOL .
  7. You still minion
  8. idk long story, some bitch who paid for it in exchange for an old CA account decided to change his mind and discharge the money he spent on paypal. So dave lost the payment and removed it. It was a while ago.
  9. Why .
  10. It was gone a long time ago.
  11. Where is your donator tag?
  12. tv show for kids I think
  13. What's your avatar from? o.O
  14. NO UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. You skemmer. You master of skem.
  15. Scammer .
  16. No fanks, gib 4 free.
  17. Ewwwwwwww 23bux and I will SE for you.
  18. Siii
  19. That avatar
  20. didnt work image link pls.
  21. y cuz you liek?
  22. Nigga take a SS of your user customizations your colors ect
  23. Nigga take a SS of your user customizations your colors ect
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 58
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