Conversation Between PPCINJ and Longingbloxorz

13 Visitor Messages

  1. Add me on Skype? djackson9999
  2. Alright thanks man
  3. I'm very sorry, but I'm loaded with work until my nose. I will need some more time.
  4. What block?
  5. I'm sorry. No time yesterday, but the block will be removed anyways.
  6. so... no contacting...?
  7. Alright, thanks man
  8. Ok, tomorrow i will contact you.
  9. yes I do. djackson9999
  10. MMM do you have skype?
  11. because you're a nice guy?
  12. Why should I want to do it?
  13. Could you make a Shield/Health hack or maybe a damage increase hack?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13