Conversation Between KING and Czar

92 Visitor Messages

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  1. I went inactive then returned when I got on short duty a few months ago. I post like three times a week.
  2. good, just a tad bored on my summer break. How are you? Looks like your still active.
  3. Yeah, okay buddy. How are you?
  4. Death does not apply to me.
  5. Shit motherfucker... You didn't die?
  6. Sup Czar.(side note, you try pussy yet?)Nam Im jksup
  7. Hi King .
  8. What you want, negro
  10. Kiddo posted no proof for his claims, I requested it.
    Could you look into this when you get a chance/
  12. You're the one wanting this bs, not Dave.
  13. if you can come up with a better way to track if the MM are doing there jab. could care less.

    Talk to liz all you wan't, but if it doesn't pass the comon sense deal, doubt dave will pass on it.
  14. Still no, I'll talk to Liz and do something. However, your idea is stupid.

    Sincerely, Notyourdaughtereither
  15. [20:11] [MPGH] ∂∆√∑ - ANYONE DO CARDING?: how can yo daddy help u
    [20:11] [MPGH] ∂∆√∑ - ANYONE DO CARDING?: well tell him dave said to do it
    [20:11] [MPGH] ∂∆√∑ - ANYONE DO CARDING?: simple
    [20:11] KING:

    Dave said to do et

    Only reason why its a bad idea? Is if your not doing your jab?
  16. Cuase your my daughter.
    I'll make and show you how to make the thread.
  17. Not your son.
  18. You dissapoint me son.
  19. No .
  20. Make a Thank/Support thread.
    Every time you do a trade, you need to have 1 of the traders or both post that you helped.

  21. Done is Done.
  22. Perma: ZP25

    Reason: Scamming
  23. Read the PM i sent you.
  24. Done .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 92
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