Conversation Between Ace and Luverdark

19 Visitor Messages

  1. <3 u

    we need to play csgo with marcus sometime lmao
  2. grats on minion now u can save the world
    oh yea what is this thing called fort knight, i never know never play very good it looks right

    im making nonssenssse coz im tired and ur my fag and im ur fag tyvm you're welcome
  3. lmao i still love u
  4. i do not asociat with sand niggez
  5. hows my favourite terrorist x)
  6. lolol //2short//
  7. grats on green pantiez
  8. do make sense this ?
  9. he converted to atheism lmao
  10. How's my favourite terrorist?
  11. Thanks!
  12. Congrats Luver! :O
  13. Yus its me the memer
  14. Accept my friend request, if possible.
  15. Wassup? :-)
  16. qt pie .
  17. Congrats on Premium seller. Ask Liz to change your main user group to Premium Seller.
  18. Make sure you have my new one, check my sig ~
  19. Check ya skype pls
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19