Conversation Between Alen and fabz

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Are you alive, hope life is treating you well
  3. Life sucks, way too much to do for school
  4. Yeah, everything is great.

    How about you? How're things going for you?
  5. Bawwww

    Hope you're having fun and that everything's a-ok
  6. I don't use my computer much anymore, and i'm barely home so it'd be hard to come back.
  7. Come back nigga.
  8. I know, I just like having intellectual conversations with people, the ones that don't give me massive amounts of karma.
  9. Welcome back nigga. And it's not like I tell everyone about it >_>
  10. Stop telling people 'bout Reddit mane.

    There will be a bunch of new retarded users.

  11. I'm trying I'm trying
  12. Get VS fappy.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12