Conversation Between Fogest and Takari

24 Visitor Messages

  1. Naw keep applying.
  2. Probably if this time I don't get it I won't apply any more .
  3. Ah you just have to keep trying bro. Someday....
  4. sections * .

  5. You made a good impact .
    You got Minion for 4 different section , and I'm still stuck with Normal Member .
  6. Thanks.
    I'm doing what you told me
  7. Good luck on minecraft minion.It would maybe help your chances if you were in this list:
  8. Ya I know
  9. The GMODS here and admins don't know every game but they still know how to check over a file and verify that it is safe to run. The only thing you can't do is test it. If it's a exe though you can test it in sandboxie and see if it's clean. So your just go by what the users say in a thread to see if it works from there. So yeah you can be minions and mods on other things.
  10. I would like to help all MPGH Sections but I don't know everything about every game
  11. Well you could still get minion sometime if there is a new section that needs one.

  12. I lost the minion applications
  13. You got donator before me I hope you get minion sometime too!
  14. You got minion before me
  15. Thanks!!!!
  16. Congratulations as minion
  17. Thanks for voting for me!
  18. [P]roOwnage?
  19. And who are you in the game?
  20. OK sure just sure just send me the file.
  21. Intro some effects and cutting.
  22. Sure. What type of editing? Just intro and such or more to it?
  23. I got a replay.
    Want to edit it for me?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24