Conversation Between ccman32 and [RAPGOD]EMINEM

8 Visitor Messages

  1. im SCREAM
  2. hue, they need to get off ur nuts X'D.
  3. Wannabes? -.-
  4. why are there 2 of u??? O_O????
  5. dies your hack without the antikick still work?
  6. lol u guys are funny. listen faggts. lets say ccman never made hacks in his life. would guys still be there for him. spamming his wall and riding his nuts.... no . so leave the man alone damn. anooying bastards lol.
  7. omg ******s stop spamming this guy...... if u love him dat much subscribe to him on youtube....
  8. ccman thank you for your hard work, a little report, i have 64bit windows 7 and i believe that the .log deleter is detected, just hoping to inform you, i laso disabled shirlok and all that
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8