Conversation Between iverson954360 and bowlcut

8 Visitor Messages


    Cross post this in whatever section it needs to be in to get views.
  2. I've been listening to this playlist of nothing but Jazz hop for the past week or so; Nujabes, Blazo, Fiendsh (not a typo), Bugseed, and The Cancel. Those alone could last us for a while.

    But yeah, I agree.
  3. Well I've started on a playlist I could use, been going through my music in order of most recently downloaded. That should get us through for a while. Maybe switch to a themed releases eventually (trap, club music, southern classics, etc etc) if we get enough positive feedback from the thread and have enough time to find stuff to fit the bill.
  4. I don't, actually.
    Most of the mouth breathers on here would post nothing but what they think underground is, AKA OF and Hopsin.

    I could have another buddy of mine add some shit to the list; he's got more albums than you can shake a stick at.
  5. Got any ideas on contributors? We can get this thread to stay alive a lot longer than the other two if we can get enough people willing to contribute. We can set up release days by the day of the week per contributor, or we can trade off who submits on release day. Maybe set up a google doc with all the song titles & links listed and set up some sort of approval system before we greenlight music to be posted. It's only worth all this effort if people are going to actually see the thread though, if its dead I'm going to drop it like its hot.
  6. aight dude that'd be
    i'll do the same; just VM / PM me then it's up.

    Or I'll just notice it on my own. Whatever.
  7. I'd be down, you'd have to give me a few days to compile a list of songs I can backlog for release days.
  8. hey ravi, wanna make a new hip hop thread? i got some killer tunes to contribute
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