Conversation Between Enj0i and TheCamels8

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey camel. Can you go on msn? i needa ask you something real fast
  2. can you get on msn right now?
  3. I hope so
  4. lol btw your english is really good.
  5. That's why I love America ^^
  6. LOL its 9 in the morning here. Youll probably be sleeping when i go on so yea...
  7. 19:49 PM now
  8. Yea so anyways im in america so our times are way different. Ill probably be on at like 4 or 5 here but i dont kno what time it would be in israel
  9. Yep xD
    My PM Box is 100% full
  10. dude ur inbox is filled lol.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10