This is a tutorial on how to install Python , Pip and all the requirements you need to use the no recoil scripts.

I made this because a lot of people have been asking and wanted help because they didn't understand how to install Python, Pip and so on.

[1.How to install Python]
1.1) Go to the Official website of Python
1.2) Download the Latest version and install it
1.3) Open CMD [*Press* Windows Button + R and type CMD]
1.4) Type in
python --version
1.5) If there is no error coming up then you have done everything correctly if some error happened try to reinstall Python again.

(If there were no errors, skip to step 1.6 below.)

[2.How to reinstall Python correctly if you get errors]
2.1) Go to C:\Users\(Current User Name)\AppData\Local\Programs.
2.2) Delete Python Folder.
2.3) Go to Control Panel >> Uninstall a Program.
2.4) Right Click on Python and then Change/Modify.
2.5) Click on Repair Python. Note: This will Fail but be Patient.
2.6) Now Again go to step 3.
2.7) Now, after step 3, uninstall Python.)

[Continuation of step 1.5 from above]
1.6) Type in
python -m pip install SomePackage
1.7) Now you need to upgrade the pip version just use
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
1.8) Now type in
python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
1.9) Now install all the "requirements"
1.10) There are 5 "requirements" that you need (You need to wait until it's installed after you can input the next code)
1.11) Type in one-by-one after each requirements has been installed successfully
     pip install numpy==1.16.1
     pip install opencv-python==
     pip install Pillow==5.3.0
     pip install pywin32==224
     pip install pywin32-ctypes==0.2.0
Now when you want to execute scripts or ".py" extension files, you will need to be in the same directory with the file you want to execute in order to launch it.

For example:
Make a folder on your desktop called "test" and extract the scripts into the "test" folder on your desktop.
Now open CMD and type in to go into the "test" folder directory
cd Desktop
cd test