Good at image making? Tired of playing games fairly? I've decided to open a contest for another chance to get FREE VIP. It's simple, all 11 smilies that we currently use must be replaced with custom exclusive to MPGH emoticons (animated or unanimated). That means you must be the sole creator & MPGH must be the only one on the net using this!

Winner will get upto 3 months FREE VIP. Only 11 emotions minimum is required! That takes less than 3 hours to make!

https://www.mpgh.net/forum/graphics/5207-multiplayer_game_hacking_custom_emotions_vip_conte st.html

[Contest #2]
The ongoing SOTW contest is progressing smoothly, we already have 10 entries! It's not too late to enter, 3 more days till this week's SOTW end, and a winner will be publicly decided! 2 weeks FREE VIP!

