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    Sports News - 249th Edition

    'Waging a war': South Korea's football qualifier in Pyongyang
    North and South Korea had a negative draw in a historic but blocked World Cup qualifier on Tuesday, played in front of FIFA president Gianni Infantino but an otherwise empty stadium with no cameras no media and nothing at all to connect the game with the outside world.
    The show between the two sides (whose countries are still technically at war) took place at Pyongyang's Kim Il Sung (The Father of the current leader) Stadium with no live broadcast, no supporters and no foreign media in attendance only the players and the FIFA president.

    Tottenham Hotspur star Son Heung-min captained South Korea in the first competitive men's match to be played in Pyongyang. But frustrated South Korean fans who were not allowed to travel to the game, will have to wait days to see it on television -- after officials bring back a recording on DVD.
    "North Korea promised to provide a DVD containing full footage of the match before our delegation departs," the South's unification ministry, which handles cross-border affairs, said in a statement.
    The only simple way to follow the match, which the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) had billed as "one of the most eagerly anticipated fixtures" for years, was via the limited online text commentary posted on FIFA and AFC websites.

    The minimal updates available, however, were limited to yellow cards and substitutions. Qatari referee Abdulrahman Al Jassim booked North Korea's Ri Yong Jik and Ri Un Chol, and Kim Young-gwon and Kim Min-jae from the South.
    A photo posted on the website of the South's Korean Football Association (KFA) showed the match in progress with giant floodlights illuminating the empty stands.

    Among the tiny number of spectators is the FIFA President Gianni Infantino, who flew in to Pyongyang earlier in the day, in what is thought to be his first visit to the country.
    The Fifa President Said: "It's a great pleasure to be here," , sporting a North Korean flag lapel pin, as he was welcomed at the airport by the head of the North Korean Football Association, Kim Jang San.

    The South Korean team had arrived in Pyongyang on Monday accompanied only by their coaches and support staff.
    The delegation had to leave their mobile phones at the South Korean embassy in Beijing ahead of their departure, and reaching the team in Pyongyang has been a huge struggle.

    "Nothing is guaranteed in terms of communication so we have to use whatever works at any given moment," a KFA official said, adding they were currently relying on emails.

    A Monday evening press conference by South Korean coach Paulo Bento was attended by five North Korean journalists and two KFA staff, who had to return to their hotel to get an internet connection before posting details of the briefing on the association website.
    AFC general secretary Windsor John said the restrictive arrangements were only to be expected.

    "We understand DPR Korea's situation," John told AFP, using the official name for North Korea. "We are not surprised."
    The match comes in the wake of a series of North Korean missile tests that raised tensions in the region, and after the breakdown of talks with the United States over Pyongyang's weapons programmers.

    Since the collapse of the Hanoi summit between leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump in February, Pyongyang has regularly excoriated Seoul, ruling out prospects of inter-Korean dialogue.
    It is a far cry from the cross-border warmth of last year, when South Korean President Moon Jae-in seized on the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics to broker the Pyongyang-Washington talks process and held three summits himself with Kim.

    Back then, the pair discussed and agreed on further sports exchanges including a joint bid to host the 2032 Olympics.
    South Korean football fans were outraged over the blackout and demanded that the North be held accountable for not following international standards.
    The landmark Korean derby in Pyongyang has been completely blocked off from the outside world as if it was a black operation!
    The minimal live updates on the match were limited to yellow cards and substitutions.
    FIFA president Gianni Infantino flew in to Pyongyang and was scheduled to attend the game.
    There was no live broadcast, no supporters and no foreign media in attendance at the match it was like traveling back in time.

    Written by: Blackblock
    Date: October 30th, 2019
    Last edited by Ahlwong; 11-01-2019 at 11:30 PM.
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