Hi, There's this website which offers online billiard games.

It has a practice mode with the options "PATH" for you to see where the balls will go after you hit them depending on how you aim at them, I'd like to know if there is anybody who can help me get this ONLINE, AKA make the PATH client sided for online use.. I found a video on youtube on a guy who claims he's done it but hasn't released it and it's about 1 year old video, Email me at cantfindyourcue2k12@gmail.com if you can get it done!

There is the link to what I'm trying to get accomplished.

For better details on what I'm trying to say go to www.FlyOrDie.com click on any BILLIARDS game go to practice mode, so you can see the PATH options.

Then go online as a GUEST and play a match it's the EXACT same thing except they take off the PATH option.