
I'm new to scripting and i want to get more into it but i do hav e a couple of questions/requests.
So i found a game "https://www.banditi.nl/index.php"
It's this realy basic game you click misdaden (crime) you select youre crime , and then you click the golden gun(the captcha)
So i want to make a program that make you log in I know how to make that.
I'm not sure but i think im able to make the bot login >click crime>click the CRIME..
But then the Captcha. How to make the bot click the captcha..
The captcha is just click the golden gun the others are grey so is there a possibility to make the bot click the golden gun?
so i focusses on the color. after the hole clicing process that it click onto the "color

The little cript.
Private Sub Form_load()
Me.show: Doevents
banditi.navigate "www.bandiiti.nl" //bot goes to the webpage
While banditi.busy = true
banditi.Document,all ("name").Value = "test" //Bot writes test into username.
banditi.Document,all ("password").Value = "testpass" //Bot writes pass into password section
banditi.Document,all ("submit").click //bot clicks login.
//THE NAME,PASS,SUBMIT are not correct to the site theyre just a example
While web.busy = true
MsgBox "Login Succes!"
Ebd Sub