This works with the latest version of Shadow Warrior.

Ever got stuck in a part of SW because the level is too difficult, or you run out of ammo? No worries! With a little Hex Editing, you can cheat your way through this game.
The 'old way' of cheating this game was to use console commands. Even so, the most you could do was change the FOV, player weapon model, (ry. Nothing special. But with Hex Editing, you can change many more values~

You will need:
Shadow Warrior (Game)
Any hex editor(I'm using HxD)
Knowledge of how to use a hex editor

Before modding any files, always remember to back them up!

1. Open sw.exe using your hex editor.
2. Search for 'damage to player'.
3. Change the value from '1' to '0'.
4. Save the file.
5. Enjoy your godmode!

Note: To get infinite ammo, just repeat steps 1 to 4 and change the values. Be creative!
Happy modding! ( ≧∇≦)ノシ