Even though my account isn't new I've just started using this website properly so you can count me as new.

I am aspiring to develop a hack for reign of kings. But when you attach a debugger it detects it. So I opened the game in x64dbg (because it won't open in olly and it's 64 bit). I instantly saw that the game is using the kernel function IsDebuggerPresent to detect if any debugger is attached to it.

So I tried reversing it.
The function is in the main so I nop-ed it but that didn't work. Then I looked deeper to change its flags, which didn't work (unless I was doing it wrong (the registers are confusing me!) so it doesn't think theres a debugger but I am struggling to do this because the code seems obfuscated but also doesn't (I am new to reversing so please bear with me).

Anyway, I have come to you pros' for help in debugging a 64bit game, I'm familiar with x86 assembly but x64 I am new to and have been doing research but am struggling to understand it, so if you know a possible solution please explain how it works in depth so I can understand it. I will post screen-shots so you actually know whats going on.

This is where the IsDebuggerPresent function appears to be called in main (I think: I am new to reversing) [https://prntscr.com/jqu6pg]

And this is where the IsDebuggerPresent function is doing its thing, changing the flags, which I have changed to zero on multiple occasions but the game still detects the debugger is attached . [https://prntscr.com/jqu784]

If you have read this far I humbly thank you for your attention and please, if you know anything that could help, even if it's just a bit of knowledge on x64 assembly that might help, I will be forever thankful.

Kind regards,