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  1. #1
    1S3CR3T_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    My Mood

    Main, Endgame account, almost 10k hours playtime.

    About screenshots:

    This mules u get free!

    About account:

    Stars: 61
    Vault slots: 360
    Potions slots: 256
    Characters slots: 32/32. (Almost all 8/8! I have many potions (like 1200 Greater, 500 just pots and 500 mystery pots) in gift-chest, so u can ez make all 8/8!)
    Exaltation: 231 (exalted type of one class robe/wands, u have 20% bonus loot, 10%dmg on wand classes. Robe classes ALMOST EXALTED ALL)

    About best loot in vault&equpped&backpaks:

    All whites: 254 (and like 30 in gift-chest +like 200 UT's)
    Rare whites: 36 (All, but not "daze quiver, but i have BP of this daze quiver :)
    Whites with red ore: (i not count but its like 90% of all whites)
    O3 Whites: 38 (all o3 whites)
    Shatts Whites: 48 (all shatts whites)
    Other whites: 132 (like exaltation dungeons, and little a bit others needed for comfort gameplay whites)
    Marks: 100 (like 32 o1 marks, for storage runes in gift-chest)
    St items:342 (almost all not tradable ST sets)
    HM crown: 2 ( 3 losed ;c )

    BP's: almost all! maybe last 2 new dungeons no BP's (and ofc no loot cuz idk about "The Tavern", 0 times runed)

    St sets: "?" Almost all. Its hard to count (if u want watch screenshoots!:)) i think i have like 30 ST sets.

    About Gift-chest:

    Gift-Chest cool loot:I calculated cool items from Gift Chest (almost 4500 items)

    About crystals for skins:

    Crystal of fortune: 400
    Crystal of Extreme fortune: 20

    About Quest-Chests:

    Total chests: 549
    Crystal Epic Quest Chest: 18
    Cultish Epic Quest Chest: 11
    Honeyed Epic Quest Chest: 20
    Marble Epic Quest Chest: 12
    MoonlightEpicQuest Chest: 1
    Royal Epic Quest Chest: 21
    Stempunk EpicQuest Chest: 1
    Voided Epic Quest Chest: 40
    Legacy Royal Quest Chest: 2

    Beginner Quest Chest: 6
    Standard Quest Chest: 141
    Mighty Quest Chest: 258

    Intergnum Treasure Chest: 3

    Mystery St Chest: 15

    For interesting, if u pop all this chests, u get like maybe 30-40 whites, 40 st's, 2500+ stat pots?, 10+ pet skin's, 10+ skin's, 30 key's, x30 T13 weapons, 20040000 exp (26052000 exp if u get 33% fame bonus, and 31062000 exp if u pop this on exalted character, this is 31062 free fame on character)

    About runes:

    Helmet Rune: 12
    Shield Rune: 29
    Sword Rune: 14

    Total runes:55

    About candys:

    Total candys: 21
    Candy of extreme attack: 4
    Candy of extreme defense: 3
    Candy of extreme dextirity: 2
    Candy of extreme life: 3
    Candy of extreme mana: 1
    Candy of extreme speed: 4
    Candy of extreme vitality: 3
    Candy of extreme wisdom: 1

    About skins on account:

    Skins: like 180 skins in gift chests. 127 is syndycate and 53 other skins.

    About Pet Skins:

    Pet skins in gift-chest: 18

    Other cool items:

    Mystery St Shard: 189
    Mystery St Skin Shard: 37
    Easter Mystery Gift: 405

    About potions:

    Glife: 87
    Gmana: 122
    Gdef: 246
    Gatt: 271
    Gdex: 97
    Gspd: 125
    Gvit: 106
    Gwis: 210
    Total Greater Pots: 1264

    Life: 0
    Mana: 0
    Def: 17
    Att: 11
    Dex: 30
    Spd: 52
    Vit: 38
    Wis: 23
    Total potions: 171

    SBLife: 14
    SBMana: 14
    SBDef: 7
    SBAtt: 4
    SBDex: 5
    SBSpd: 4
    SBVit: 4
    SBWis: 5
    Total SBpotions: 57

    Mystery Stat Potion: 442

    Total pots: 670 (not greater, def,sbdef,mystery)
    Total stats "+1" u can get with all potions: 3198
    Total "1/8" u can get with this potions and Extrime Candys: like 190 maxed stat drink-up's

    P.s: And for interesting 549 quest chests drop potions. so u can get like 2500 potions from quest chests and like 2200 pots?

    About loot drop potions:

    Potion of max lvl: 8
    Lucky Clover: 105
    Golden Lucky Clover: 21
    Loot Drop Potion: 27
    Loot Tier Potion: 49

    P.s: Its 4830 min of loot boost.

    About keys:

    Solo keys: 25

    Intergnum Keys: 4

    Legendary keys: 2
    Epic Keys: 6
    Rare keys: 1
    (all keys on account like 60. But good keys is like 20-25 maybe)

    About storages:

    Backpack extender: 2
    Backpack: 113
    Adventurs Belt: 23

    About shards:

    Total shards x35:29
    Shard of the Advisor x35: 5
    Shard of the Doorwarden x35: 9
    Shard of the Intern x35: 9
    Shard of the Mad God x35: 5
    Total shards x35:29

    About customize:

    Cloches (dyes+cloches): 60
    (its much of rainbow cloches)

    About Food pet:

    Feed Power Items: 61
    Its like 00000 Feed Power

    About UT/ST/Consumable

    ST items: 52
    UT items:105
    Consumable items: i cant count all, but i think its like 3700.

    About pets:

    Pets: Divine: 100/100/97 (Heal, Mheal, Electric)
    Pets: Legendary: 76/58/48
    Pets: Legendary: 75/55/45
    Pets: Legendary: 70/14/1
    Pets: Legendary: 70/8/3
    Pets: Legendary: 70/2/0
    Pets: Rare: max/max/1
    Pets: Rare: 62/51/1
    Pets: Rare: 60/57/1
    Pets: Rare: 60/48/1
    Pets: Rare: 53/33/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/27/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/19/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/17/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/16/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/16/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/13/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/3/1
    Pets: Rare: 50/1/1

    Pets: about common&uncommon we dont care, right?

    Pet Skins on console: 72.

    About character skins:

    Rogue: 7
    Archer: 7
    Wizard: 9
    Priest: 11
    Warrior: 9
    Knight: 10
    Paladin: 10
    Assasin: 8
    Necromancer: 10
    Huntress: 16
    Mystic: 5
    Trickster: 11
    Ninja: 6
    Samurai: 6
    Bard: 8
    Summoner: 8
    Kensei: 5

    About emotes:

    Last time i didnt play rotmg, have only 9 emotes, but 9 stored in gift-chest.:(

    About gravestones:

    Grave types: 2

    About titles:

    Titles: 18? idk how count it.

    About fame:

    Account fame (alive characters): like 150k. ( my 100k character died!:( )

    Death fame: 1010132 (on account) (im in top1000 fame players, and top200 account fame)

    Top 3 characters fame: 58k, 56k, 13k. (im dead 1 mounth ago at my main character with 100+k fame)

    if u suicide all my characters u get like 500k fame. ( but if u complite like advanced nest, moonlight, steamworks on my best characters, u gonna get like too much more fame and red glow (im not count but i think like 1.000.000) <: )

    About guild:

    Im guild owner.
    This guild is top10 of one server. (not australia). and its funny, but i did like 3.000.000+ fame to my guild solo. (little a bit more than 3.000.000)
    All players who in guild unactive too long time and guild is like "dead" but top15. Funny but true. All players did like 150k fame to guild (like 11 ppls)

    About another donation:

    If u buy this account, ill donate all my mules.

    Items on my all mules:

    Decas: 48
    UBHP: 32
    Forgotten Ring: 7
    Syndycate skins: 74
    Other Skins: 6

    Tradable Whites: 85
    Tradable St items: 53
    Tradable Other items (T6 abils, Rings,Eggs): 54
    T13Weapons: 65
    T14Armors: 38

    Tradable GREATER Pots on mules: 1523!

    Mules free space: like 757 storage space
    Mules Characters: 61
    Mules taken space: like 400+ (like 70 of items is cool tradable items!)

    Price: 600$

    (P.s maybe i missed in my count, but its big miss, you have all screenshoots u can re-count if need!)

    Last edited by 1S3CR3T_; 01-29-2024 at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2
    1S3CR3T_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    My Mood

    Red face Discount!

    I can make a small discount.

  3. #3
    1S3CR3T_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    My Mood
    Still available 600$