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Welcome to League of Legends Genesis Shop, we are selling very cheap and very good accounts on EU WEST.We have a safe and fast service.

Skype: atillio.belgati1
Payment Method : Paypal
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1) Paypal
2) Send as payment to family and friends
3) Copy & Paste in message of payment: "I will not dispute this payment as this transaction is for a purchase of virtual goods. With this payment, I am acknowledging that I am satisfied with what I have bought and realize that it is in working conditions.

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(Price : 20~ Euro but you can negotiate)

LvL 30
RP: 83
IP: 162 *4 win boost left
Unlocked Champions: 36
Unlocked Skins: 4
Many Limited Summoner Icons
Season 1 reward(,Kayle Skin)
Season 3 No league reached Placement Matches steal avaiavle
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1.Unchained Alistar
2.Judgement Kayle
3.Void Nocturne
4.Highland Tryndamere
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1x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration,+0.87 magic penetration
1x Greater Mark of Attack Damage,+95 attack damage
2x Greater Mark of Crit Chance,+0.93% Crit Chance
1x Greater Mark o Crit Dmg,+2.2% Crit Dmg
1x Greater Mark of Hybrid Penetration,+0.90 Armor Pen.+0.61 Magic Pen
3x Greater Mark of Magic Penetration,+0.87 Magic Pen


x9 Greater Seal of Scakubg Abillity Power,+0.1 abillity power per level
x1 Greater Seal of Attack Speed,+0.76% Attack speed
x1 Greater Seal of Crit Chance,+42% Cricital Chance

x9 Greater Glyph of Abillity Power,+1.2 abillity power
x1 Greater Glyph of Ciritcal Chance,+0.28 Crit Chance
x1 Greater Glyph of Cricital Dmg,+0.56 Cricital Dmg
x1 Greater Glyph of Cooldown,-0.83% Cooldown reduction


3x Greater Quintessence of Abillity Power,+5 abillity power
1x Greater Quintessence of Armor,+4.3 armor
1x Greater Quintessence of Attack speed,+3,4% attack speed
1x Greater Quintessence of Cricital Chance,+1.9% Critical Chance
1x Greater Quintessence of Cricital Damage,+4.5% Cricital Dmg
1x Greater Quintessence of Magic Resist,+4.0 magic resist
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(Price : 40 ~ Euro but you can negotiate)

LvL 30
RP: 2277 (10 Euro Riot Point)
IP: 689
Unlocked Champions: 46
Unlocked Skins: 9
Many Limited Summoner Icons
Season 1 reward(,Kayle Skin)
Season 3 Silver 1 league reached
*Refferals: 8 (available extra runepage and 975rp)
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1.Unchained Alistar
2.Red Riding Annie(Limited)
3.Sheriff Caitlyn
4.Bandito Fiddlesticks
5.Judgement Kayle
6.Battle Regalia Poppy
7.Bloodstone Taric
8.Riot Girl Tristana
9.Spirit Guard Udyr

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x9 Greater Mark of Armor Penetration, +1.28 armor penetration
x9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration,+0.87 magic penetration
x9 Greater Mark of Magic Penetration,+0.87 magic penetration
x9 Greater Mark of Mana Regeneration,+0.26 Mana Regen / 5


x9 Greater Seal of Scakubg Abillity Power,+0.1 abillity power per level
x9 Greater Seal of Scaling Health,+1.08 health per level


x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Resist,+1.3 magic resist
x9 Greater Glyph of Attack Speed,+0.64% attack speed
x9 Greater Glyph of Magic Penetration,+0.63 magic penetration


3x Greater Quintessence of Abillity Power,+4.95 abillity power
3x Greater Quintessence of Armor Penetration,+2.56 armor penetration
3x Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage,+2.25 attack damage
3x Greater Quintessence of Gold,+1.0 gold per 10
3x Greater Quintessence of Magic Penetration,+2.01 magic penetration
3x Greater Quintessence of Health Regeneration,+2.7 Health Regeneration / 5

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(Price : 120 ~ Euro but you can negotiate)

LvL 30
RP: 365
IP: 3690
Unlocked Champions: ALL
Unlocked Skins: 83

Many Limited Summoner Icons
Season 1 reward(,Kayle Skin)
Season 3 Silver 2 league reached

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Foxfire Ahri ; Stinger Akali ; Youtube Alistair and Inferno Alistair ; Blackfrost Anivia (legendary) ;

Goth Annie(from special pack) ; Frejlord Ashe ; Vandal Brand ; Safari Caitlyn ; Mystic Cassiopeia ;

Red Baron Corki ; Bioforge Darius ; Rageborn Mundo ; Sould Reaver Draven ; Masquerade Evelyn ;

Notthingham Ezreal and TPA Ezreal ; Dark Candy Fiddlesticks ; Nightraven Fiora and Headmistress Fiora ;

Fisherman Fizz ; Spooky Gangplank ; Desert Trooper Garen ; Hired Gun Graves ; Alien Invader Heimerdinger ;

Frostblade Irelia ; Frost Queen Janna ; Angler Jax and Nemesis Jax ; Phantom Karthus ; Harbinger Kassadin ;

Sandstorm Katarina ; Unmasked Kayle ; Karate Kennen ; Mecha Kha`zix ; Jurassic Kog Maw ; Prestigious LeBlanc ;

Acolyte Lee sin ; Valkyrie Leona ; Bloodstone Lissandra ; Imperial Lux ; Glacial Malphite ; Shadow Prince Malzahar ;

Festive Mai ; Headhunter Master Yi ; Mafia Miss Fortune ; Astro Nautilus ; Headhunter Nidalee ;

Void Nocturne ; Sasquatch Nunu ; Myrmidon Pantheon ; Noxus Poppy ; Phoenix Quinn ; Full Metal Rammus ;

Rune Wars Renekton ; Headhunter Rengar ; Crimson Elite Riven and Championship Riven ; Dark Crystal Ryze ;

Royal Shaco and Workshop Shaco ; Yellow Jacket Shen ; Darkflame Shyvana ; ********* Singed ;

Lumberjack Sion ; Arcade Sona ; DragonBlade Talon ; Bloodstone taric ; Austronaut Teemo ; Rocket Tristana ;

King Tryndamere ; Underworld Twisted Fate ; Mafia Twitch ; Primal Udyr ; Battlecast Urgot ; Blight Crystal Varus ;

Aristocrat Vayne ; Leprechaun Veigar and Bad Santa Veigar ; Neon Strike Vi ; Northern Storm Volibear ;

Feral Warwick ; Jade Dragon Wukong ; Winged Hussar Xin Zhao and Warring Kingdoms aswell ; Pentakill Yorick ;

Shockblade Zed ; Mad Scientist Ziggs ; Time Machine Zilean.
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(Price : 50 ~ Euro but you can negotiate)

LvL 30
RP: 283
IP: 4520
Unlocked Champions: 73
Season 1 reward(,Kayle Skin)
Season 3 Gold 1 league reached

I can show you everything on skype share screen option. If you are interested please add me on skype.

---------- Post added at 07:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 AM ----------

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