Conversation Between Eternity and Oliboli8769

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  1. Haha I totally get that feeling... it's much more fun to be able to work for yourself, but I guess you have to do whatever you need to get there. I've managed to have decent structure working for myself - I feel massive guilt if I'm not being productive in some way tbh. Hahaha I'm the least creative type of person too
  2. Yep. I agree! I am setting my degree/skills up to be extremly industry transferable (ops is hella needed in all industries and is growing rapidly). Plus, honestly the idea of working for others is such a drag to me. Downside is I have a tendency to be lazy without structure, so I am working on that. Automation will affect everyone eventually but I do wonder if everyone WANTS to be a creative. Like not everyone gives a shit about production,art,music, etc. I don't know why that is the height of human freedom. But I am not really a creative person lmao
  3. As for automation, I think for a some people it will be a concern. If you're not doing anything new/innovative then eventually it could probably be automated. Even some coding frameworks, where you do have to code still, is more like putting building blocks together. You want authentication? You pull in an authentication package. You want notifications? You pull in a notification package. You want a social feed? You pull in a social package. It's crazy how much stuff is out there and doesn't need to be re-written. Eventually, I think it will be possible to automate putting those building blocks together.
  4. It's cool you're doing a bit of SQL - it's generally super simple but a really nice thing to start with I guess. I think like everything if you practice something enough you can learn to be good at it - but there are definitely some requirements - mainly having an interest, but also thinking in a certain way. It also depends what kind of coding you do though - some hardcode software development requires lots of maths for example, whereas web development requires logical thinking, but not a huge amount of maths.

    I fully agree about the CS degree thing. Most CS degree people I know can't code for shit. They know a lot of theory, but have no practical knowledge

    Too many chars -next message
  5. Right on bro! Coding is something I never understood. I am currently checking out SQL and similar data base structures for job. However, other then that, I don't think coding is my skillset. You think it requires a certain type of mindset? I feel like CS is the "cool" major right now but people don't take into account if they CAN actually do coding. CS seems like a result based degree and if you cannot code for shrek then it doesn't matter that you have a degree in it.

    Also, what do you think about automation in coding? I like asking all majors about this but funny enough most say OH IT DOESN"T EFFECT OUR INDUSTRY/JOB. I think most if not all will have to worry about this. How do you see it playing out in CS/programming? In the next 5,10,15,20,50 years?
  6. Nah man not at all, coding replaced gaming years ago for me
    I only really hang around here because people still contact me, and it's cool to look at projects people release
  7. Wtf. Do you even game bro??? I am currently skyrim'ing/modding. I don't play games much right now though.
  8. God no haha, I don't think I've actually played the game since 2014 or something, and stopped coding around it in like 2016
  9. You still play aqw O.o
  10. Tell me about it. Being an adult can be tough sometimes. Funny that I haven't even been on here in 4 weeks haha.
    I hope the internship is going well man and all the best with your business.

    Sadly MPGH censored you
  11. Nothing much. I was part of news force but I got pretty busy so I took a back seat for now. I am hella busy being an ADULT. I got my internship, last semester coming in, getting ready to start a business in a year or two and also running my dad's business.

    I mean via ***** or ******* for a quick chat. Let me know
  12. Not bad man, and I wish, but I don't really use an IM service. What do you do on MPGH mainly now?
  13. RIP to my english : (
  14. Hey man! Good, how have you been? We should catch up sometimes. You free anything to have a chat? VM is makes it hard to chat actively!
  15. Yo! I'm 3 weeks late. How's things?
  16. Why hello there OLI
  17. Sounds smart man. I'm the same way, I like to have multiple income streams, passive wherever possible
    At least you have a nice idea of what you want to do/achieve, good luck man!
  18. Well I am going into a Super 8 partnership deal with my dead and one of my dad's friend (3 way). I will end up being the upper management when rules and regulation chances or anything major comes up. I am studying real state to get my first house to rent out as well. This internship will help me start making 50k (I know not that much but meh) but I am hoping to get to 100k by 30 (about 8.5 years away). I also got into investing and some what swing trading, but fuck day trading. So I am trying to create streams of revenue because I hate having a single source of income.
  19. *2018, and I mean that we first started speaking in 2014, which is crazy!
    Ah man we all mess up sometimes. What business are you getting into?
  20. Lmao we spok last in 2017. It seems it was you who has forgotten e.e
    I am about to start my internship in HR and going into buying a business as well. Nothing special. I did mess up a year so I have to redo that. -_-
  21. How could you forget me
    I'm good man. Studying and working as a software developer. Don't come on here as much anymore. I can't believe it's been since 2014 we've spoken... how's things with you?
  22. Hello...e.e
    I forgotten about you. What have you been up to?
  23. I don't remember but I think when I was in high school I told you I wanted to do computer programming. LOL thats a joke (was true but still a joke looking back now)
    I get along with everyone, my moral compass is grey, and I love to make money and look powerful. e.e

    Business administration and management and in that major I am specifically doing Human Resource Management.
  24. Ayy good to hear from you. Ahahaha good luck with that! Yeah tbh it'll probably save the dying game if they give people their accounts back. I pleaded with them and got mine back temporarily... but then I didn't stick to the terms and got banned again. That was years ago though. Good to hear you're doing well! I'm making hella money too - coding for a company right now and it looks like I'll be moving countries. Good shit What's your master's degree in?
  25. YO NIGGA, WHAT IT DO? Btw I am trying to get my aqworlds account back lel. They are apparently getting people a second chance, but idk if they will unban me e.e (didn't they unban your ass). Anyways, I make hella money now and I am going for my masters instead of bachelors, almost done with associate, 1-2 more semesters depending on what happens.
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