Conversation Between ewrc and Great Barrier

12 Visitor Messages

  1. lurk harder :gewd:
  2. Thanks man, and nah I'm really not sadly, don't know what forum that is
  3. good luck with everything i guess, you still active on any forums? (i think i saw you on nulled)
  4. Ahaha ik dw, but nah I find it quite cool, being a bit of a ghost.
    Hunter already said I can get my account back but I'm too lazy.
  5. cry harder

    i'm just being obnoxious btw
  6. Ahahaha yup, don't really care tho
  7. private server cucked you LUL
  8. I still post if I see anyone desperately in need of help.
    As for my ban, I'll just copy in how I explained it to someone else;

    ">used the same password I used for MPGH on a private server (like a dumbass)
    >private server owner must have realised
    >they changed my accounts password and went on a scamming spree for like 10 hours (but didn't actually scam anyone, just came close to it lol)
    >MPGH policy is that it's my responsibility, because I didn't use two factor authentification
    >account forever banned

    But I really don't spend any time here anymore, so I don't mind
    When I came back on and realised I'd been hacked, I managed to save everyone that he'd messaged. They even made a fake Skype using my name"
  9. nicely done my gaijin, do u still post? and why did u get oliboli banned lul
  10. Yupp, not even half as active as I used to be, but still lurking for some odd reason
  11. u still lurking?
  12. Your sig - preach it bby
    - Oliboli8769
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12