Conversation Between kaibit82 and omfg im ur mom

5 Visitor Messages

  1. yea sure. My skype is antroz6578, dont call unless I call first.
  2. If you would like to send me your skype info we could talk about the way rez mods work.... I kind of want to get active in the forums and contribute cause i've been leeching forever now xD
  3. @kaibit82, Basically .rez modding is not what it used to be, there used to be model swaps and chams, but have been patched, attachment mods, textures and sounds as well as kill info and weapon pictures have not been patched. That is all, we are trying our best with what we have. A bypass is available, but is extremely hard to the get the resources, yet luckily I have them (don't ask, won't release them). Why don't you PM me so I can help you and the rest of the choobs out.
  4. *Hey, just wondering if you can help me find out more about .rez mods and CombatArms in general.
  5. Hey, just wondering if you can help me with something, im new to trying out .rez mods
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5