Quote Originally Posted by Silent View Post
Awww I am really sorry to hear about your father. Losing a loved one is never a pleasant experience, not something you will ever forget, or get over, but it will be easier with time.

It is always great to have something you are passionate about, such as youtube, a career or family. I hope with time and dedication you can grow your channel into something large, profitable, and enjoyable!

Best of luck with everything buddy
It's hard, that's for sure. Especially the other day when me and my sister went to clean his apartment, it was really rough, I didn't get emotional or anything, just felt really strange, that's all.

I'm beyond dedicated to the channel, either with YouTube or TikTok, doing both at the same time allows me to keep mind off from everything, be it an unfortunate job loss, father passing away, or other world events, but to think that I have put so much effort into the channel even when the content might be mediocre, but having so many overall views, and a decent amount of subscribers is awesome. To be fair, I'm not really aiming to growing the channel as best as possible, even though the channel is just a "hobby" but with how much I do it, and how many content I have uploaded within the span of 4 months, I'm considering it as a part time without monetary income from either of the two platforms. Gaming is oversaturated niche, it makes it kind of difficult to grow it, however I do have goals that make it less of an issue than anything. I do wish I wasn't making a mistake of deleting every piece of content that accumulated me up to 32k total views, back in October last year, but no point dwelling in the past, considering the fact that the channel is nearly at 18k total views (at the time of writing this)

Sincerely apologize for long as hell reply.