Conversation Between Jim and xCyberxx

69 Visitor Messages

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  1. Waiting for public transport. Will be on in 15 minutes
  2. Its Confin3d, idc what ppl think about me if I become a minion. I'll be doing my job and be nice to ppl and ofc have fun. =D
  3. That's why he has all his PMs/VMs blocked ^_^
  4. [MPGH]Confin3d - 3 Days Ago Report
    You becoming minion just gives me another reason to not log onto this site lol
  5. What's Confined doing posting on your wall? Something rude I assume, he's on my ignore list.

    Accepted your F.R.
  6. Thank you for all the reports lately Cyber. I'll make a note of it for future reference.
  7. Beeeeeeeeeeehhhhh
  8. Be my sheep.
  9. I still love you thooo <3
  10. What the fuck are you talking about?
  11. Can you and your bandit crew stop derailing threads plis, kthx.
  12. Not any time soon. I am learning other languages atm and also making a video streamer so I can watch movies with my friends thru Internet. Also, making it undetected is way harder then making a thread.
  13. Sulphur v1.0.1 XD
  14. Nah. Got a lil busy. Got banned from APB:R for no particular reason. so I'm going to play it 24/7 and tryna get back to the same level. ;_;
  15. You still working on Sulphur?
  16. No problem =p
  17. Thank you for the releases.
  18. Release every day then ^-^
  19. Forgot to add good night to that message
  20. I could do that every day if I feel like it. May start doing that for the coming weeks! I'm also going to make a C++ directx tutorial in more parts to explain how to make a in game memory hack =p
  21. Start releasing every week! Gnite.
  22. Kk will upload tmrw. Went to bed 47 minutes ago. Don't know which anime to watch. Had to read a English book for my English class for tmrw and I still had to start so I went to the toilet and read a 120 pages long book in 2 hours while laying/sitting on the toilet or just laying in the bathroom. It was so boring ;_; I feel like making a cool contribution to the DayZ section. U know something I could do? I'm pretty good in C++
  23. Do it .
  24. Babbyyy what r u doing? Should I release another useless dayz hook? <3
Showing Visitor Messages 26 to 50 of 69
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