Conversation Between UnknowN* and TraderO_o

13 Visitor Messages

  1. so,when u will buy my acc?
  2. Sorry i'm back
  3. hello?!......
  4. Add me on Skype also: MPGH-rLy
  5. omm online
  6. ok,no problem,i will wait...ofcourse with Omm
  7. Okay bro, since i'm risking this amount of money i will wait for a OMM
  8. 250$, with omm...or u first..when omm online,contact me..and just 1 thing,i spent on this acc over 3years playing,without farm,and spent more than 1k euro..
  9. Very nice account i must say $200 - $250 PM me when there is a OMM online and i will be happy to trade?
  10. i dont know,offer.
  11. Yes, how much are you wanting for it. Obviously OMM will be used
  12. Z8Games OMM will be used...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 13 of 13