Conversation Between Hyak and Krypton1x

23 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey bro whats good?
  2. *your .
  3. Whatever happened to you're fb? You don't love me anymore
  4. for sure .
  5. Now's your chance to get out of the country.
  6. not till tomorow cuz he couldnt c me today
    1 more day to live
  7. You're fucked.
  8. i am fucked
    the football coach whos house i got stoned in is here
  9. I'm jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  11. you'd better be. and thank you.
  12. yesyes i is
    grats on vs
  13. i thought you were my fwiend.
  14. ****** is what pony means
    fucking retarded pony
  15. STILL GONNA CALL YOU ******.

  16. still gnna call u pony,
  17. mmkah
    need ur email 2 add u on myearbook

  18. thanks mate
  19. I did it back if you know what I mean.
  20. Vital .
  21. wut was ur name before? besides lesnarjr
  22. Hey, what's up?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 23 of 23