Conversation Between Color and Royce

74 Visitor Messages

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  1. That was very short lived you bitch
  2. Nibba why do I have to add trash like you to respond to these shitty VMs.
  3. hey coloring book
  4. nigga since when did you have 19k post. spammer.
  5. u fagit...
  6. color-sama what happened
  7. cuntlor?!!?
  8. minion looks weird on you now
  10. oh maneee uproar
  11. applying for minion bish
  12. Hmmmmmm???
  13. u sneaky bish
  14. Weren't you banned from being minion LMAO?
  15. you are literally a oxymoron
  16. , And that was so long ago, I swore I've seen you change it
  17. I've had it since the group was created.
  18. thanks bae, I'll be the neew face of night owl, Also I never noticed u had it on still
  19. No it's fine, the more the better.
  20. Am I not allowed .
  21. That Night Owl tho.
  22. Yeah I know
  23. Like you would get accepted lmao.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 74
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