Conversation Between Jim and Scotia

23 Visitor Messages

  1. RIPe tomato's.
  2. riperino

    finally dead
  3. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat you talking aboooooooooooout?
  4. Baaaaaaaa...d luck. sheeeep
  5. nps bae ily. xoxo.
  6. Thnx baexxx
  7. Good luck bae.
  8. soz not soz.
  9. Stealing my work and not giving credit, ******
  10. "I hope you live again one day, I only got to enjoy you for a few short months. Don't be fooled by the join date, I've been here longer than you may think.

    RIP. "

  11. Yung Lean edit.
  12. Excellent
  13. Your avatar is now my facebook dp, tyvm.
  14. You left me alone in ts you fucking ******.
  15. For a little bit? You mean forever.
  16. maybe............................................. ........
  17. Was it that Aqua Teen Hunger bs?
  18. already have, 2 posts of mine were deleted so...
  19. inb4 you post a 3k thread

  20. You know it
  21. Head Administrator Scotia,

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 23 of 23