Conversation Between Jim and Hunter

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Of course, Jim. PM me it and I'll add you on facebook.
  2. You gotta add me on Facebook so I don't miss your Skype messages I'm hell shit with it.
  3. big boy GM
  4. Jim, babe. How have you been?
  5. mr mod )
  6. Am I really?
  7. you're a tag fiend
  8. Ah man.
  9. Thanks man.
  10. Congratulations!
  11. You can't not like it.
  12. Nice signature.
  13. No idea who you are, however I don't associate myself with scammers so I guess it doesn't matter.
  14. Goodbye my friend.
  15. jking bby <3 xD
  16. Welcome back.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16