Conversation Between Jim and Justin

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Come on the MPGH TeamSpeak, or add my Steam:

  2. I work for one of Australia's largest insulation companies. Our products are known as Tontine Insulation but the company itself used to be called United Bonded Fabrics but know we're called Pacific Non Wovens
  3. Where do you work?
  4. Working hard for the money but they'll never treat me right!
  5. Accidentally clicked your profile so.... Sup, XD.
  6. Completely forgot it was April fools today!

    Yes. yes you are.
  8. Just3N is a sick IGN.
  9. A time traveler never reveals his secrets
  10. Teach me your ways.
  11. I am more than meets the eye
  12. Emrhgd you morphed.
  13. Vertice <3
  14. Justin <3 .
  15. We need Aussie Fo.
  16. My mission is noble, my heart is pure. I have nothing to fear.
  17. Jack! I see you have made your passage through time and now seek to destroy me?
  18. Not even mortal enemies.
  19. Alright cool.
  20. Leave it as it is, Liz is quite aware of any minions who are slacking off.
  21. Talk to you in about 10 minutes I have to brb.
  22. Ahhh okay. Do you think I should bring liz's attention to blitz's slacking off? Or wait for Minion applications?
  23. I was demoted becasue I lost my internet connection and was not active on MPGH.
  24. Regain your position? What happened to it?
  25. I see, keep it up and persevere. It took me a while to regain my minion position in the Console section.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 28
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