Conversation Between HALOS117 and Lily

23 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi bunny ~
  2. ~POI!!!!!!!!
  3. ~POIIIIII!!!
  4. ^^ good luck !
  5. YAAAAS. But I shall rebuild my army!
  6. Lance kingdom will rise and take over But for you I will be bunny side ^^
  7. I hope you are still bunny gang :c. Ducks have invaded and retired all of bunny gang :'c OH NO! You also duck gang!?
  8. Aww you didn't have too. I have lots of time now since I am finished with university. I won't be sleeping for awhile.
  9. Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We all missed you so much!
  10. Congrats on GM ^^
  11. Come back :'( Hope you are doing well!
  12. I think he ate Joe Also, Joe left :'( Whats the point of mpgh now :/
  13. danny is joe ?
  14. congratulations on minion. Who is danny ?
  15. Joe left :/ some DANNY there now.

  16. Joe is your problem now. Take good care of the scammer ~
  17. We all miss you!!!!!!! Also, Joe is bad :'(. He is mean .
  18. poiiiiii!!!!
  19. congrats on news force !
  20. poiiiiiii ~
  21. The Bunny Squad Declares You as Bunny Approved!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 23 of 23