Conversation Between Mayion and Raple

25 Visitor Messages

  1. all about that bribe
  2. site turning aqua cuz dave drownin in cake
  3. #bestcharacter
  4. Sebas-sama ily
  5. At last my boy
  6. you know it boi
  7. Oh boy them fire moves!
  8. being super obviously
  9. the fuck you doing in superuser hangout
  10. Congratulations, well deserved.
  11. hows it feel to be a noob again
  12. was reported being offline for a week.
  13. Dat 3x MM lol
    Congratulations bby honey fegot
  14. Start a vouch copy company bro
  15. "Official News Team Freelancer"
    They're not even official
  16. King Raple
    grats fegt
  17. Thanks a lot
  18. I wanted to be the only M+, I want to feel special.
  19. Four official tags?
    Minion - Middleman - Manager - News Force
  20. Get RoTMG now nigga.
  21. Get minion now plis.
  22. Gratz !!!
  23. Gratz bby <3.
  24. thanks may :3
  25. Congrats
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25