Conversation Between Schuba and Boombox

19 Visitor Messages

  1. whats up with u scuba diver
  2. hey cutie .
  3. thanks man you working at least?
  4. literally doing nothing with my life good to hear ur up to some good shit bud gl in your endeavors
  5. just doing a lot of schoolwork and drawing whenever i get the chance, i'd love to sell my art but there's really no market for it. hows yours?
  6. chillin vro hows ur life
  7. good hru ?
  8. sup buddy how are u
  9. ay bitch .
  10. too slow nerd
  11. You closed that thread as I was replying. >8(
  12. ty friend
  13. I missed your birthday, but happy late birthday :(
  14. <3 .
  15. ily bb .
  16. I agree haha
  17. blue name purple tag

  18. News Force
  19. y do u have blue name 8[
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19