Conversation Between Trumpkiller and jamen215

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Alright, I can accept paypal, just wondering as to what your offer is?
  2. Oh. I don't have ZP sorry I only have paypal
  3. I have an offer for $15 so far, please make an offer in zp?
  4. The DSR Rusty
  5. How much are you willing to pay?
    And is it the m4 silver you want or dsr rusty?
  6. What's your MSN/Skype? Interested in account #2.

    Add my skype: SesameopenNR
  7. Z8Games

    It's not allowing me to pm so delete this or hide it when your done looking at it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7