Conversation Between arunforce and Sheep

68 Visitor Messages

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  1. i think i love u
  2. hay .
  3. nigga what the fuck was i smoking in 2014
  4. yes foo .
  5. wait do u actually plan on bringing it back
  6. No, the server is disabled for the moment.
  7. does ur game link still work
  8. Hopefully working on it soon .
  9. hows ur cake game going
  10. Stay sheepin America
    Ron Sheepndury
  11. Stay sheeping.
  12. How is fellow murican?
  13. Holy fuck
    Just watched the video
    Because didn't work at school
    I understand why you were pissed
    I thought it was a thread about I don't care about gaze and something PC related due to that screenshot
    That's why it had an angry twist to it
  14. Buuuut.
    When I posted it was showing some error thing so I'm like good for you
  15. your post was pointless spam regardless of the context of my post, nice try though.
  16. you dun edit to the post
  17. u dun goofed to my BT account
    plis return to sheep lost and found
  19. yo
    cos america fat
  20. Das make me hornie sheep
  21. Was only 14 ;X
    Rip in shep
  22. will work on pw recovery later ur pw is changed to ur old name all lowercase
  23. I FORGOT BT PW :
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 68
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