Conversation Between Lily and T-800

22 Visitor Messages

  1. Miss you
  2. Thank you gerasssss, take care.
  3. Good luck Lily! You had a great run here, expecting to see you back in the future!
  4. o.o creepy face
  5. :3 Finally caught up to you
  6. Congrats, Lily !
  7. O.O
  8. (*^ω^)人(^ω^*) Hoi hoi
  9. Congrats !
  10. thanks gerasss ^^ yours is awesome too
  11. Amazing signature, Lily!
  12. T-800 sounds like machine O: I think gerasss is unique but T-800 sounds like dangerous
  13. Yea? which one you like T-800 or gerassss more?
  14. gerasss :3 I like your name
  15. Lily the boss!
  16. :3 thanks gerasss
  17. Congrats =D!
  18. Thanks ^^ and yours ... scary
  19. Love your avatar, so cute!
  20. congrats !
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 22 of 22