Conversation Between Wardoxx and Hunter

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Regardless of however you choose to proceed, the account won't be stolen from you since in order for one to be able to change an account's email, they have to be provided with a confirmation code which is sent to the email address of the current account's owner/holder, in this case, yours. However, if Riot Games finds out that there are different IPs from different locations linked to your League of Legends account, it will eventually get 'flagged' and may even get permanently banned for 'account sharing'.
  2. I wanted to ask you how safe it is to give someone my lol account username and password to inspect it. If he tries to change email/password will i receive a confirmation on my email? Even you do receive one how safe is it?
  3. PM me with whatever you want to tell me.
  4. Is this private?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4