Conversation Between edmund777 and FanticSteal

2 Visitor Messages

    Bump ONCE every 24 hours from the last post on the thread.

    Also answer the questions on one post and not wait 6+ hours to reply to another one to bump
  2. Hello, you've requested that you would like to confirm if it's the REAL "FanticSteal", this message below will provide if it's the real me, by clicking the button below it will send you to Skype and add me, "FanticSteal".

    MPGH FanticSteal talking to you on Skype, if you are not talking to me on Skype which is the Skype below, then you are talking to an impersonator. Leave the chat ASAP if you are talking to the Impersonator then talk to the real me if you need a OMM.

    We hope you enjoy our service and have a great day and stay Safe!!

    Skype: fanticsteal
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