Conversation Between AirCuddles and mexicano007

12 Visitor Messages

  1. ya ive been busy lately, sry
  2. im back mutha fucka!
  3. ty. i have to start making sig again.
  4. yey! welcome back man
  5. hey air im back.
  6. Dude, the gfx section is alive again, come back man!
  7. Sweet you applied for critical mass!, i hope u make it to the intermediate division, i might be leader of it xD
  8. check out my new sig i just posted, i think i did pretty well, idk, we will see...
  9. lmao i just made a new sig hope u like it im off to bed
  10. thx for the encouragement, but hey ya i like that sig u made, it is a little bland, but hell, i can't make a grunge sig, nor would i want to, but hey good job! lol
  11. oh and check out my new sig called new:first grunge sig in showw off section
  12. hey Aircuddles u are getting better and better at sigs by the second keep up the good work!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12