Conversation Between AirCuddles and Nexulous

12 Visitor Messages

  1. So this is what happened to songkipark... lol, poor soul :P
  2. hurry up and accept it, or it will expire
  3. k, well in about 5 minutes you will

    hey, DO NOT GET BANNED, dont fail, read the rules, cause if you get banned, my friend will get banned and i will be in a bad invitee tree... so please, act smart lawl, im sure you will

    Have fun!
  4. I didnt get it, OMFG I wants one.
  5. you should be invited to
  6. Thanks, man. My email is Thats also my MSN.
  7. i cant invite, but ill get my friend to tommorow, i havent done enough stuff yet i guess, idk, it is very exclusive
  8. LAWLLLLLL help me out here, mang.
  9. well, i gotta figure this out lawl, gotta find out how to invite
  10. Invite, mang?
  11. add me on msn and ill invite you
  12. Can I have an invite to mang? Is it possible?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12