Conversation Between Time and Insane

71 Visitor Messages

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  2. Nice to see you alive bro!!!
  3. not de*d yet <3
  4. hows it goin! !!!
  5. savage. classy, bougie, ratchet. sassy, moody, nasty. acting stupid, what's happening? bitch, what's happening?
  6. Dead men speaking damn.
  7. n e v e r.
  8. u 5got about me
  9. Hi, get alive pls .
  10. /
  11. ily .
  12. lol, I don't really use Skype much but I'll PM you my steam
  13. 4give me pls, you should know that we're tight
  14. u 5got about me
  15. bby you should kno that ily and nothings gonna change dat.
  16. thanks for putting me in your bye thread
  17. are you on skype bby
  18. oh i love you too sane .
  19. whore. gtfo.
  20. HOW DO U DO .
  21. Noo Insane.
  22. Sup Sane .
  23. Fuck this and this and that fuck everything .
  24. [Also incase you didn't know, please only preform trade's on MSN. It keeps things straight, you can edit past messages on Skype, other variables]
  25. Congratz
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 71
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