Conversation Between meme and Poonce

25 Visitor Messages

  1. 51°30'45.09"N, 0°13'8.52"W
  2. PoonceMD, you better diagnose me?
  3. yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    poonce mod!!!!!!!
  4. omg mr pharaoh
  5. finally!1 teach me boss mod
  6. you did it
  7. above my pay grade unfortunately
  8. let me be a green
  9. waiting u to get gm first and im go to green... we have to coup one of gm
  10. still waiting for you to be green slave, what's taking so long??
  11. ya you better take over battleon fatty
  12. maybe you mean "i will be gm, don't forget to applying for bt m+++"
  13. hi poops when u applying for gm????
  14. Hopefully, it will be fine. If not you better take over a BattleOn or I'm getting on a plane to Indonesia to kick your ass.
  15. you can get through this, you have to #keepstrong
  16. ????????????

    i wish i was joking

    unless you mean my signature, in that case its your fault
  17. NICE JOKE!!1!
  18. haha thanks dOOd
    looks good if it's green on me
  19. wooooop congrats my dood

    swap tags with me orange is cool af
  20. i am the one true god of the universe
  21. but, you are always above me
  22. then you will be as cool as me
  23. waiting for the green one
  24. woah blue boy cute
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 25