Conversation Between Moote and subdomination

3 Visitor Messages

  1. yes I'm still here
  2. Pssssssst, subdomaination. Are you still there?! c:
  3. I want to give a HUGE +vouch to @subdomination for everything they've done for me.

    - They made my sig and was extremely pleasant, kind, and responsive about all the chances I requested. Their work ethic is absolutely stellar and gets change requests done in just a few minutes! Very talented and skilled at animations! Their customer service is also extremely great! They seek a 100% customer satisfaction rating and have received a 100000% satisfaction rating from me!

    - Their sig was made so well, I ordered a userbar animation for use in another forum. I was initially very vague and brief in my creative design, so my initial vision on my design was a bit different from what the seller had drafted. But he was willing to completely start over to make me happy!

    Seriously, you cannot beat this seller's prices, customer service, or talents anywhere else!! AMAZING!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3