Conversation Between Asetic and Psychotic

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Please don't bump your thread more than once a day. Wait until your last post is time stamped '1 Day Ago' before posting.

    Thank you!
  2. I understand your concern. Don't get me wrong, I have respect for Dynasty and I know he's an upstanding member. However, if certain users are exempted from the same rules then why would we have rules, guidelines and procedures in place? Other users would then refer to this scam report as a reason to extend the report (or worse, claim their internet is down).

    It's very simple, as soon as he's back he makes a thread stating the scam report has been resolved, the member who has been scammed confirms it and then he's unbanned. It's not a convoluted process.
  3. Dynasty is not online/available until Monday. I tried contacting him aswell, however he has no internet. Can you wait until Monday for him to reply and solve this issue? Dynasty would not scam $200 or whatever this is. Please note there are circumstances the user who has been reported cannot reply within 24 hours. Such as this case of having no internet.
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