Conversation Between WhiteBoiNic and mrmage106

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Auto-Inject is fine if u dont feel like pressing inject every time, make sure it auto-closes or u close it yourself after injection and you should be fine.
  2. Should I put it on Auto-Inject, if not, when do I inject?
  3. Thanks, I found it.
  4. The link messes up when you press it, Just google "Faiths Injector"
  5. Sure.Faith Injector

    You have to replace the **** with, G.a.m.e.k.i.l.l.e.r. And all injectors are patched but still can be used.
  6. Hey, I have Windows 7 32-Bit, hacks aren't working, and I see they are for you and you have the same OS as I do. What Injector are you using? Could you provide a link? I've tried PerX, RDI 5.4..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7